Swing Tickets and Tags

Swing tickets and tags are akin to the cover of a good book – your brand’s chance to make an outstanding first impression. Our seasoned professionals will work with you to achieve high quality, eye-catching ticketing and tags. Our solutions include UV varnishing, embossing, laminating and foiling. We apply outstanding product engineering to ensure cost-effectiveness and environmentally sustainable solutions for your brand.
swings tags

Care Labels

Like the small print in a contract, the small print in a garment – the care label – is crucial in making sure the product reaches the store correctly, and the customer enjoys the products as they were designed. We produce high quality care labels to convey important product information to consumers, such as how to care for the garment, material components and origin.

Woven Labels

Sewed inside garments, woven labels are another crucial piece of real estate for your brand’s identity. Our woven labels are manufactured to the highest quality standards and reassuringly durable in nature. With complete dying and lab facilities, our team offers a wide variety of finishes manufactured with high-quality yarns and high performance, cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness always in mind.
woven labels
Adheshive Labels

Adhesive Labels

Self-adhesives are little pieces of adhesive paper designed to stick to other, larger pieces of paper and usually tagged on the reverse of the paper or label. We’re seeing an increasing trend for their adoption due to simplicity of use and the ability for brands to present clear information and a product’s USP to customers. We work with you to create eye-catching, self-adhesive labels based on your product needs which clearly convey your brand name, brand logo, and practical use of the product.

Heat Transfer Labels

Heat transfer labels are applied directly to a garment’s fabric, providing a tag-less and itch-free branding solution which is highly popular for the lightweight, intimate wear, and sportswear markets. Our team closely works with yours to ensure each transfer is accurately developed with the appropriate garment fabric to guarantee optimal performance along with garment sustainability and suitability.
Heat Transfer
Leather patches

Leather Patches

Our leather labels offer a unique and luxurious solution to traditional woven labels. Leather is a strong, supple, and highly durable material. With the ability to add rich colour and texture, it’s a wonderfully tactile solution for brands wishing to reflect a high quality of product. Our leather labels and patches can be attached to the outside of garments to add value and help your products stand out from the competition.

Box & Card Packaging

Our goal is to make your products stand out and sell. We work with clients to design, produce and manufacture elegant and premium standard boxes and cards in all varieties. Our attention to detail is impeccable. We use only the highest quality, sustainable materials to create premium packaging solutions which benefit the bottom line, and that customers love.
Box and Packaging

Can We Help?

If you have any questions, or to discuss your requirements, please get in touch with our UK Sales Director, Gareth Lancaster.